
Over the past year, we partnered with several renowned research organizations (e.g. EMBL-EBI) and bioimaging-focused groups (e.g. African Bioimaging Consortium) across the world to deliver highly popular hands-on image analysis workshops. These efforts included the first-ever CellProfiler workshop conducted in Spanish and Portuguese!

African BioImaging Consortium Intro to CellProfiler Workshop - Round 2 + Image Analysis Clinic

(Aug 21-22, 2024)

Following the success of the first ABIC workshop in February, we decided to repeat the workshop. This time, however, we dedicated a first day to introductory talks and a hands-on exercise and added a second day to address questions about the tutorial and also to allow the participants to bring their data and troubleshoot their image analysis. Twenty participants from several countries throughout Africa joined the workshop for both days and several of them shared their data and questions, each of which ended up posted in the forum!

African BioImaging Consortium Intro to CellProfiler Workshop - Round 1

(Feb 8, 2024)
We partnered with two members of the African Bioimaging Consortium (ABIC), Naomi Okugbeni and Cynthia Nwamaka Ikeji, as well as with Mai Rahmoon from the AIC-Janelia to offer this free online workshop open for all students and researchers from the African continent. We received over 60 applications from 14 African countries. In spite of connectivity issues and language barriers, participants were excited and eager to learn new skills.

BroadHacks 2024 Intro to Morpheus and Image-Based Profiling
(June 18, 2024)

This workshop helps understand how to turn microscopy images into image-based/morphological profiles (just like proteomic/transcriptomic profiles) using an open-source web-based software called Morpheus. These profiles will help in identifying the similarities and differences between your “treated” cells and the controls. Interestingly, this can also help one to find unexpected biological relationships between the treated groups and the features that drive these relationships.

Latin American MULTILINGUAL Intro to CellProfiler Workshop

(Apr 8, 2024)

This free, virtual workshop targeted mainly the researchers and students in Latin America interested in learning how to start using CellProfiler for their image analysis. For this reason, and because we know how the language barrier a limiting factor in the access to scientific training can be, we held the practical, hands-on part of this workshop in either Spanish or Portuguese-speaking groups, each accompanied by a native-speaking TA.
We had 120 participants from 9 different Latin American countries (mainly, Chile, Argentina and Brazil) and 5 more countries around the world. The teaching team was composed of 10 TAs (7 from Argentina, Chile, and Mexico and 3 from Brazil).
The repercussions of this workshop were thoroughly positive, with many participants highlighting how being able to communicate in their own language allowed for a more lively and enriching discussion in the working groups.
We are looking forward to repeating this experience soon!

Halfway to I2K 2023

Please find all recorded workshops from Halfway to I2K conference, October 17-19, 2023, here!