
Need help with image analysis?

  1. The first step is to post in the Scientific Community Image Forum under the COBA tag. The COBA team and members of the community can help answer questions, so this is a great resource for most of your imaging analysis problems.

  2. If posting there doesn't answer your question, the next step is to sign up for Image Analysis Office Hours. These office hours are designed to help you develop an image analysis solution using open-source software. They are limited and open to the discretion of the team. You should only sign up for two slots per year.

  3. If you then need more in-depth help,  your project might be a good fit for a long-term (many months) collaboration with the COBA team. Please visit our Project Inquiry page.

Other questions? Email us.

If we help you, ensure our continued funding by citing our NIH grant


The Center for Open Bioimage Analysis (COBA) should be acknowledged in any publications arising from data analysis or software development with COBA using the following text: "The experiments reported in this paper were performed in collaboration with the Center for Open Bioimage Analysis (COBA) which is supported by National Institute of General Medical Sciences NIH P41 GM135019."